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Well-attended BIO-Europe Spring in Vienna

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Last week over 2500 attendees from all over the world visited BIO-Europe Spring. This year’s edition of the premier springtime partnering conference for the biotech industry took place in Vienna. The conference welcomed a strong delegation of almost 120 Dutch biotech entrepreneurs. The well-attended Health~Holland Pavilion represented the Netherlands as Europe’s most attractive and innovative biopharmaceutical environment.

The Health~Holland Pavilion was one of the eye-catchers of the exhibition floor – a not-to-miss landmark featuring the Dutch life sciences strengths. The Pavilion served as the central information point for international visitors with questions regarding the Dutch business and innovation climate and life sciences & health sector. At the Hospitality Reception on Tuesday, the Health~Holland Pavilion formed the exhibition’s epicenter. During the best-visited happy hour of the conference, the Dutch Loyens & Loeff bike was raffled.

We are already looking forward to BIO-Europe in Hamburg, November 11 – 13 2019. HollandBIO members are eligible to a €300 discount per person on the regular registration fee. For more information see our event page here.