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HollandBIO welcomes RiboPro as a new member

HollandBIO connects, represents and supports the Dutch life science sector. We are very proud that we already represent over 260 companies: from start-ups, small and medium-sized companies to large companies, active in health, food or biobased economy. Today we welcome RiboPro.

Who we are

RiboPro is a knowledge-driven biotech start-up focussed on the R&D, production and sale of custom messenger RNA products. The company, located at the Pivot Park in Oss, is build on more than a decade of hands on experience with mRNA synthesis and formulation by it’s founders. RiboPro’s high-quality, high potency RNA products are used by a substantial and fast growing number of academic- and industrial researchers around the globe.

How we support your RNA research project

Doing business with RiboPro is getting a share in our knowledge, expertise and dedication.

We relieve our customers, by taking care of the total mRNA process from the very first idea, up to commercialization. Let us worry about the quality and performance of your RNA, so you can focus on your next success. Our support includes advice and tools to design mRNA constructs as well as after care involving optimization of experimental conditions. We stay in touch to advise on quantities or applications and help with analysing results if needed. It’s our passion for the next mRNA driven revolution that makes us strive for perfection in all that we do.

Our services

Our service provides customers in short time (4-6 weeks) with transfection-ready, custom mRNA, without needing any prior knowledge on mRNA. With our patent-pending method, we are able to de-immunize any sequence, which is then synthesized with our proprietary system, resulting in mRNA devoid of dsRNA-by-products or other immunogenic properties. The end-result is a low-toxicity, high-expressing mRNA, expressing the protein of interest. Aiming for an ultra-low barrier, the minimum order quantity for custom mRNA is as little as 100 ug.

A bold mission
We want to Enable the next Medical Revolution by providing High-Performance RNA.

“To help 1000’s of innovators worldwide
create 100’s of novel medicines
within 10 years from today
for 1 better world”

Lipid Nanoparticles
RiboPro recently developed an unique, IP-free nanoparticle platform, which allows efficient mRNA delivery into virtually any tissue. Producing both custom mRNA and LNP ‘in house’ makes additional production time for preformulated mRNA just one day. Customers benefit furthermore from a high delivery reliability and one single knowledge partner for both mRNA and LNP formulations. Currently this service is in beta phase and becomes widely available within a few months.

Read more

Visit our website www.ribopro.eu to book a exploratory conversation without any obligations or stay informed by following us on linkedin.