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HollandBIO welcomes EV Biotech as a new member


HollandBIO connects, represents and supports the Dutch life science sector. We are very proud that we already represent 225 companies: from start-ups, small and medium-sized companies to large companies, active in health, food or biobased economy. Today we welcome EV Biotech! The power harnessed by computers has blossomed the synthetic biology field. EV Biotech looks to harness the digitalisation of microorganisms to facilitate the acceleration of strain engineering.

“Founded in 2018 by Linda Dijkshoorn, Sergey Lunev and Agnieszka Wegrzyn, EV Biotech looks to revolutionalise the development of optimised strains. Combining in-house expertise, the synergistic approach of utilising computational modelling and strain engineering facilitates cutting development time in half.  

The innovation in our microbial cell factory development pipeline is the use of computational modelling of the microorganism prior to the actual strain engineering to predict the most ideal genetic changes for the microbial strain with the highest possible yield of the compound of interest. Our modelling and strain engineering platform can engineer microbial cell factories that grow at a perfect balance of minimal carbon input with maximum compound yield, without wasting valuable carbon resources. 

Throughout the strain development process, our approach facilitates the improved chance of success, production levels, financial forecasts, and time to market. Through utilising microbial cell factories, we aim to transition product development towards more sustainable means. 

Currently we have develop four proof-of-concept strains: vanillin, terpenes, spidersilk and PHA (bioplastics) that will be ready to pilot in the near future.”