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RSNN Annual Workshop 2023: Pharmaceutical legislation – Highway to Innovation

Van derden


The European Commission plans to launch its revised EU pharmaceutical strategy in the first quarter of 2023. This strategy is based on four pillars: addressing patient access to innovative and affordable medicines; supporting of the competitiveness and innovative capacity of the EU’s pharmaceutical industry; ensuring robust supply chains and ensuring a strong EU voice.

It is a patient-centered strategy that aims to ensure the quality and safety of medicines, while boosting the sector’s global competitiveness. It is a key pillar of the Commission’s vision to build a stronger European Health Union, which President von der Leyen set out in her 2020 State of the Union speech.

This free workshop will focus on innovation of the regulatory system and the role of the revised EU pharmaceutical strategy for regulatory legislation. Questions that will be addressed are:

  • What is the view of experts from industry, regulatory organizations, academia, patients, and the broader regulatory science field on innovation and the revision of the legislation?
  • What does regulatory innovation mean and why do we need it? How does the revision of the pharmaceutical legislation contribute to this?
  • How can the changes be anticipated on and be implemented, and what risks do we foresee?

Date: Tuesday 6 June 2023, 13:00-17:30 with drinks and optional dinner afterwards
Location: Villa Jongerius, Utrecht

For more information and registration, please visit the event website.

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