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Registries Reimagined

Van derden


Regulators and pharmaceutical companies continue to incorporate real-world evidence (RWE) across all phases of drug development. Both the FDA and the EMA have shown an increased willingness to consider RWE, specifically with registry data when making regulatory decisions. Longitudinal, prospective registries have been conducted for decades, but never has there been a better opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry to execute innovative, scientifically rich, operationally optimized, patient-centered models that leverage technology and data linkage.

On Thursday, March 30 at 11AM you can think outside the box to create new ways to answer today’s questions during this thought-provoking webinar. Learn how modern approaches yield faster, more reliable, high-quality results aligned with patient needs, while being more cost effective and designed to meet payer and regulator requests.

For registration, please visit the event website.