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Van derden


The online edition of the public-private partnership day

After the successful anniversary edition last year, the next edition of the Life Sciences & Health public-private partnership day (LSH PPP Day) will take place on Tuesday 9 March 2021. This time we will offer you numerous online opportunities to get informed about activities in the sector and meet new partners. Do you want to join? Register here.

Last year, we introduced the new Dutch mission-driven top sector and innovation policy, which specifically focusses on the societal challenge of Health & Care. The 2021 edition of the LSH PPP day will consider the current status of this policy and take a look ahead to 2030.


With a roundtable discussion and several subsessions the following related themes will be considered in detail:

1. From visions of the future to future-oriented action for necessary impact
2. Collaboration around data-driven research, innovation and regular healthcare services
3. Citizen science: citizens take the initiative
4. Tools for starting a public-private partnership
5. Warm technology: design with and for people with dementia

The crucial question is how you from within your organisation can collaborate on these different themes. Where are the opportunities and possibilities for research and development? You will find an answer to this and many other questions at this online edition of the LSH PPP Day. Afterwards we will inform you about current and upcoming funding instruments.


The online event will take place on Tuesday 9 March 13:00-15:00. After 15:00 there is opportunity to network. Do you want to attend this edition of the LSH PPP Day? Then sign up now via this website. Feel free to reach out to the email address pps@zonmw.nl with any questions or remarks you may have.

Review LSH PPS day 2020

Do you want to get an impression of last year’s edition? You can read a brief review of this day and the individual sessions on the ZonMw website.