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EpiVax – 4th Annual Immunogenicity & Tolerance Seminar

Van derden


Time: 8AM-7PM

This seminar focuses on current translational research in the fields of immunogenicity and tolerance, with case studies touching on vaccines and biologics.


The event is co-organized by the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR), Sanquin, The Institute for Immunology and Informatics (University of Rhode Island) and EpiVax, Inc. The Scientific Committee includes Drs. Wim Jiskoot (LACDR), Bram Slütter (LACDR), Marieke van Ham (Sanquin), and Annie De Groot (EpiVax).


The keynote speakers include: Willem van Eden (Utrecht University), Tom Ottenhof (LUMC), Rene Raeven (Intravacc), Vibha Jawa (Merck), and Amy Rosenberg (FDA/CDER). Additional speakers from submitted abstracts will be included in the program.


According to previous participants: the breadth of topics covered during this seminar encourages attendees to venture outside of their usual area of expertise. The size of this meeting fosters a personal environment where participants have the opportunity to engage with each other and connect with the presenters.


The Scientific Committee additionally welcomes event sponsorships and abstract submission for consideration as oral presentations or for in-person presentation during the seminar’s two poster sessions. The accepted abstracts will be no more than a page long, and the format will include only the following content: Title, Authors, Affiliations, and Abstract (250-word maximum).


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