2 complementary online job postings (worth €400)

BCF Career Event Netherlands

Met korting

29/09/20 -

The ability to attract the best talent is essential for every organisation, but especially for companies in the Bio/Life Sciences, Chemistry, Food & Pharma (BCF) sector, where you need personnel with highly specialised skill sets.

The next edition of BCF Career Event in the Netherlands will take place in the Beatrix building of Jaarbeurs Utrecht on 30 sept 2020. BCF Career Event is the largest career event for the Life Sciences in the Netherlands. As an actor in this industry, participating in the event will increase exposure and strengthen your employer brand as well as help you find and recruit talent through personal contact.
80% of past exhibitors mention that they met with more than 50 job seekers at the event, and half of them have even spoken with 100+!

BCF Career online Event – 29 sept

On 29 September, we will be hosting an online event with many exhibitors and an inspiring programme with 30+ sessions! We are currently contacting all our clients to see who will join this online edition so keep an eye on our website for further updates.
Registration for this online edition will open in August. We will send you an email when you can sign-up!

BCF Career in-person Event – 30 sept

On 30 September, we will be welcoming you at the Beatrix building – Jaarbeurs Utrecht. Several companies have already confirmed they will be present at the event, and we expect a lot more to join us as regulations and limitations are slowly loosening up.
Due to the governmental COVID-19 measures, the number of attendees will remain limited. If you know you want to attend the event on-site, make sure you register soon as this will give you priority to chose your timeslot later on.

Member discount

As a member of HollandBIO, register for the biggest Life Sciences career event and benefit from 2 complimentary online job postings (worth €400).
More? Sign up with a Premium package and benefit from exclusive corner-location at no additional price!
Interested to meet 2,000+ talents? Request the participation brochure: http://bit.ly/brochure-bcf  (Add “HollandBIO offer” in the remarks field at the bottom of the form and we’ll know you can benefit from these advantages).




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