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4th Health-RI conference

Van derden


The 4th Health-RI conference will be held in Utrecht, the Netherlands, on Thursday, January 17, 2019.

The program will focus on the future of Health and Medicine and the required support role of science and research infrastructure as innovations around ‘big’ complex data facilitate a vitally functioning and healthy society.

Scientific presentations from national and international experts will explore four themes: Prediction, Prevention, Personalization, and Participation (P4). P4 medicine will translate cutting-edge scientific research into improved health. It uses the power of biobanks, cohorts, systems medicine, and big data collected throughout the lifetime of healthy citizens and patients.

Last year’s successful conference attracted 350 participants, and over 80 posters and demos. 2019 promises another exciting and thought-provoking day, with keynotes, lectures, posters & demos. There will be ample opportunity to meet colleagues from academia, healthcare, industry, and funding organizations.

More information can be found at: www.health-ri.org/conference-2019