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Young TPI Career Event: Shaping the Future of Animal-Free Science

Young TPI Career Event: Shaping the Future of Animal-Free Science

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Young TPI Career Event: Shaping Your Future in Animal-Free Science

At the Young TPI career event, students and young professionals will have the chance to connect with leading companies, NGOs, universities, and government representatives actively involved in animal-free science. Through panels, presentations, and workshops, participants will explore diverse career pathways in biotechnology, in silico modelling, transition science, and more. Young TPI aims to provide valuable insights on job opportunities, interview preparation, and building successful careers in animal-free science.

Date: September 29, 2023

Location: Yes!Delft, Molengraaffsingel 12, 2629 JD Delft, The Netherlands


Reserve a booth to showcase your organization and discover new talent

Are you seeking motivated new talent but unsure how to find it? TPI is offering a limited number of companies, institutions, and startups the opportunity to have a booth in the main hall, during the networking sessions. This will allow you to showcase your organization and engage with potential future employees among our enthusiastic participants. Reserve a booth to not miss this prime opportunity to showcase your organization and discover potential game-changers for your team!


For more information and registration, please visit the event webpage.

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