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Bitesize Seminars on Life Sciences Solutions

Van derden


Thermo Fisher Scientific invites you to our Bitesize Seminars on Life Sciences Solutions at the Leiden Bioscience Park.


WHEN: November 2nd, 10:00 – 16:30


WHERE: BioPartner Building 1 (J.H. Oortweg 21, 2333 CH Leiden)


Our product specialists will give short talks (20-30 min) covering our innovations in Molecular Biology, (q-)PCR, Protein Biology, Flow Cytometry and Cell & Gene Therapy. You are welcome to only join the sessions that are of interest to you. Meet our product specialists in the adjacent exhibition and have a look at the different instruments on display.


Snacks and beverages will be served during the event.


To register for this free event, please use the QR code or URL below to access the registration page. When enrolling for this event, please indicate which talks you would like to attend.

If you are unable to join, we would still appreciate it if you could let us know via the registration page, then a product specialist will contact you regarding your workflow of interest.




Event schedule

10:00 Introduction ThermoFisher Scientific & Create your new lab with Jump Start for Biotech


10:25 From RNA isolation over Reverse Transcription to your downstream application


10:50 RNA extraction and purification in only 10 minutes?


11:20 Absolute Q – a dPCR instrument delivering precision and speed that puts you above the curve


11:20 Biomanufacturing test strategies to deliver safe, quality biologics that pass regulatory requirements


12:00 LUNCH


13:00 ThermoFisher Scientific Cell & Gene Therapy Solutions


13:35 Detecting subtle changes in your cells using cell painting


14:00 Optimize your cell cultures


14:35 Western blot in 4 hours using a standardized, hands-off approach with option of high-throughput


15:00 Cell biology Research at Top Speed: New Tools and Techniques for Flow Cytometry


15:35 Access our expertise – outsource to ThermoFisher Scientific


16:00 Fast & reliable gene synthesis for optimized protein expression


16:30 End

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