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Free marketing and technology studies by Grenoble Ecole de Management

Grenoble Ecole de Management proposes to offer, free of charges, the services of our students to work on a marketing and technology study.  

Grenoble Ecole de Management is a French business school with an international advanced master in biotech and pharma management (fully in English). This advanced master trains students with a strong scientific background, how to work at the interface between technologies and business. It is recognized to be the best advanced master of pharmaceutical marketing & management in France.

Our students will work in small groups (2-4) on a concrete innovative project. They will be tutored by one of our teachers. The projects should include 3 parts:

  • Evaluation of the technologies at play in a particular industry or sector (drug, medical device, digital health…)
  • Complete market analysis for that industry or sector (market size, growth rate, competitor analysis, channels, market trends…)
  • Additional questions of your choosing tied to strategy, finance, competitive intelligence, marketing…

Students are split between two groups, students studying full-time and those studying part-time, and corking in a biotech/pharma company. The first group will work on your projects between November and March, while the part-time group between December and October. In order to help you design a project that suits well our students, we would need to receive the first draft of your project before the 23rd of October for the 1st group or before the 27th of November.

For this project, we would request from your company:

  • A 4-8 PowerPoint slide presentation in English that explains what your company does and what your technology is (a short corporate presentation also works well)
    • The document needs to include specific questions that you would like the students to work on. (They will automatically prepare a technological comparison and a market analysis).
    • We can help you write the questions so that there are no misunderstandings about the deliverables
    • It also needs to include the contact information of the persons that will interact with the students
  • Be available to answer questions about your company, or about the industry that you’re working in.
  • Give some sort of basic feedback about what you thought of the work the students did for you.

Contact information: samuel.collaudin-external@grenoble-em.com