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Antimicrobial Resistance – Breakthrough Innovation and Breaking Barriers

Van derden


Why aren’t (enough) new antibiotics being developed to address the AMR challenge? What other innovations might help without increasing antibiotic resistance?


As multi-drug resistant bacteria become increasingly threatening to global public health and existing antibiotics are becoming ineffective, the global community of public and private organizations and life science innovators are rallying around the Antimicrobial Resistance challenge. Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLABS has lined up leading experts in the field to share their views on the challenges surrounding this global health threat and the potential solutions.


You are most welcome to join us on 15 September. Please register through: https://antimicrobial.splashthat.com/resistance


This program is part of BLUE KNIGHT™, a collaboration between Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLABS (JLABS) and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).