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Biotech Wednesday: guiding cancer treatments in the 21st century



November 25th 2020, HollandBIO and Oncode are joining forces to explore what is new in the field of targeted cancer treatments. We are slowly moving away from the ‘one biomarker: one drug’ scenario, which has characterized the first decades of targeted cancer drug development, toward a more integrated approach with multiple biomarkers and drugs.

This ‘new paradigm’ will likely pave the way for the introduction of multiplexing strategies in the clinic using companion diagnostics and patient stratification methodologies. We will cover the frontiering developments from early stage to and clinical studies, clinically validated diagnostics, biomarkers, genomics, and other molecular approaches that are now an indispensable part of 21st century’s cancer treatment.

If you are eager to learn from and connect with top-notch academics, clinicians and entrepreneurs in targeted oncology, mark November 25th in your agenda and sign up below.


Speakers & program

Word of welcome
Annemiek Verkamman – HollandBIO
Chris De Jonghe – Oncode Institute

Session 1
Edwin Cuppen – UMC Utrecht, HMF
Emile Voest – NKI-AVL
Jeroen de Ridder – UMC Utrecht, Cyclomics

Session 2
Caroline van der Meijden – Agendia
Jos Joore – Mimetas
Sophie Dusoswa – Roche
Maroeska Rovers – Health Innovation – Netherlands



Practical information

Date: November 25th 2020


Digital networking        09.00-21.00hr
Session 1                    13.00-14.45hr
Session 2                   15.40-17.30hr

Venue: Hopin platform


Register to the Hopin platform

How do I register to Hopin?
Click here to register to the Hopin platform. You need to register if you want to participate and network. Please make sure to use a Google, Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser.

How does Hopin work?
Click here to watch the Hopin demo or click here to read the manual.

When can I start networking?
The Hopin platform will be open from 9 am untill 9 pm. This means you can already start networking before the sessions start at the day of the event. In Hopin platform you can:

– Watch the two plenary sessions
– Create your own break out rooms using ‘Sessions’
– Click on an attendee to connect
– Get in 1-on-1 network sessions of max. 20 min. using ‘Networking’


Live stream

You can also view the live stream below (from 13:00-17:30hr):


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