HollandBIO welcomes BOM as a new member
HollandBIO connects and supports the Dutch biotech industry. We represent over 200 companies in the field of medical, agrifood and industrial biotech. And, HollandBIO is growing steadily. Today, we are proud to welcome The Brabant Development Agency (BOM) to the HollandBIO community!
BOM works together with businesses to create a strong, sustainable, and future-proof Brabant economy. They share knowledge, create networks, and provide capital to innovative Brabant companies and sustainable energy projects. We also encourage forward-looking foreign companies to settle in Brabant and we assist Brabant companies to extend their reach abroad. Our ambitions: further economic growth, increased employment, solutions to social issues, and a leading role for Brabant on the world stage.
BOM Brabant Ventures
BOM uses the Brabant Ventures label to focus, using knowledge and capital, on the accelerated and future-proof growth of ambitious Brabant startups and scaleups in the Life Science & Health, High-Tech Systems and Software, Agri-food, Maintenance, Supply Chain, and Bio-based Economy top industries.
Interested in working together? Please visit www.bom.nl
Follow BOM’s lead, become a proud HollandBIO member too!