HollandBIO welcomes Incyte Biosciences as a new member
HollandBIO connects and supports the Dutch biotech industry. We represent over 200 companies in the field of medical, agrifood and industrial biotech. And, HollandBIO is growing steadily. Today, we are proud to welcome Incyte Biosciences to the HollandBIO community!
Incyte Biosciences is a company founded on the premise that investment in good science and the rigorous pursuit of R&D excellence can translate into new medicines that can positively affect patients’ lives. Their therapeutic focus primarily is oncology. Incyte recognizes that they do not have a monopoly on good ideas and innovative approaches to therapy and enjoy working with like-minded partners who want to join forces to improve the lives of patients living with cancer and other diseases. Founded in 2002, Incyte Corporation’s global headquarters are located in Wilmington, Delaware, US, and today, the company employs more than 1,200 people worldwide. The Benelux office is located in Amsterdam.